Members: 702
​Life Members 15
AHSPO members actively support the executive and fellow members in achieving the association goals and objectives. Support is through continuous participation in events, contribution to education of members, to web site content and promotion of the association mission and objectives in every opportunity possible.
The AHSPO Mission and Objectives
To secure a wider recognition of the importance of the Supply function in Healthcare Organisations
To bring together those engaged in the Healthcare profession in a friendly and social environment
To provide facilities for the reading of papers and for general discussion and presentation of facts of interest to the members on all matters regarding effective Supply activities
To further the dissemination of ideas and methods in such other ways as may seem expedient
To improve and elevate the technical and general knowledge of all concerned in the Health field
To promote aa high standard of ethics, and just and honourable practices in the conduct of business
To assist each other in difficulties arising from procurement and supply
Full Members
A person may qualify for Full Membership of the Association under the conditions stipulated in accordance with Rule 3 (3) of the AHSPO Constitution, i.e.
be not less than 18 years of age
be currently employed in the Supply Chain function as their principal occupation in a Healthcare Institution, or employed by the agent of the healthcare institution
where duties performed above are no the primary function, membership would be at the discretion of the Committee
Associate Members
Associate membership is open to:
Individuals that are employed within a healthcare institution;
have an interest in the supply chain function;
but are not employed as their principle occupation in this capacity;
Full or Associate members that have retired from the healthcare industry;
but wish to continue their membership with the Association.