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A Message from the AHSPO President
Dear AHSPO Members

Presidents Report to members 18 August 2022


AHSPO has had 2 long years and as always, the Committee have worked diligently on your behalf. I could not have carried out my role without them.


For those of you who may not be familiar with the Committee, let me take this opportunity to introduce them all to you.


Pragasen Pillay


As Vice President he is always on hand for me to liaise with and his support is greatly appreciated. He is also chair s the ILG and is work is very much appreciated, Pragasen does a lot of work behind the scenes, and I thank him for this.


Ron Hiller


Ron is currently the Education office and is work and understanding of education is invaluable to myself and the members with pandemic going on we been able to add to the Diploma in Procurement training, as well as the Probity training online that has a Certificate of Completion. Make sure you have a look on the New AHSPO website, launch after conference if you haven’t already. A huge thankyou to Ron, who is one of our Life members on the committee. Ron will step down this year the replacement will Debra you already know


Jude Bart


The other life member on the committee as Membership officer and what great job she doing thank you Jude your work is invaluable.


Dominic Lacaze


Our Treasurer. What fantastic job is has done over the last 2 years of pandemic making sure all finances are on order and also the work is doing now with is replacement Robert Tarantello. Dominic as left health organization we hope not loose him thanks Dominic


Michelle Killick


Left the best to last Michelle, she has done a fantastic job in maintaining communications with members, as well as Suppliers, in the role of Secretary & Communications Officer. I hope you have felt more engaged with the Association, thanks to her input and quick responses to queries.


Thank you, Michelle, all this around us would not be possible without your input


To those of you in the room, who I call on for council and advice, I also pass on my thanks. Your input is valued every time.


Going back to the Probity Training, which we launched this year, we have already had over 350 completing the online training and receiving their certificate of completion. We have received feedback from different organisations on how valuable this training is. It is good to remember that this training is available to everyone, not only you as members but also to your work colleagues, across public and private health. Our suppliers have also accessed the training and even some non-healthcare organisations have heard about the training and accessed it. This module is provided by UNE (University of New England) and is refreshed every 6 months.


I will also take this opportunity to thank Valentino Bulaon, who is our Web designer, as he has continued to complete all that I have asked of him.


And the boys Julian and Ricky thank you for making us looking good.


UNE also partners with AHSPO for the Diploma in Procurement, and probity training on line


And now to the exciting reveal around February/March time. Keep an eye on the website as well, as this has become much more interactive.


Finally, from the Committee and myself, a big thank you to all of you. The ongoing support you give to this Association grows stronger and stronger every year and this can only benefit us all, Suppliers and members alike. Please go back to your workplaces and continue to spread the word about the Association of Healthcare Supply and Procurement Officers and we look forward to seeing you in 2023.


Aldo Santo


Mobile 0400 568 283

Association of Healthcare Supply and Procurement Officers Incorporated
Registration Number: A0022407B
ABN 82 958 634 724

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